- We’re ALL unhappy with our body(s) because of our weight…
WHO told you that? The truth is its society that is unhappy with what we look like. Not everyone is meant to be or even wants to be of a slender stature.
- All we think about is food…
Actually, we think about how long it takes for turtles and the eggs they lay to get across the street ;-). Oh and don’t forget about our obsession with how well Dory spoke from “Finding Nemo”.
- We’re not desirable…
That’s definitely the worst misconception of all. As a matter of fact, we have very much sought after body types that are in high demand especially in the winter months. It’s almost impossible to get on our social calendar in December. Sorry folks you’ll have to try again in June 😉
- We are the best cooks around…
If boiling water was a delicacy, I’d be a beast. Eating vs. cooking? We truly do pick a struggle 😉
- We all sleep on our backs because we can’t breathe any other way…
Honestly, who in the world is saying these things? Sleeping on our stomachs is the way to go. It’s that extra pillow cushion for comfort we like 😉
- We don’t have the best smell because we can’t wipe ourselves properly after using the bathroom...
Truth be told I use a backscratcher to reach the places on my body that I can’t without it. I also use it to paint my toenails from time to time 😉
Any questions?