7 Dumb Ass Questions People (skinny) ask Heavyweight Champions…
Looking for real answers to these questions!! (Humor is welcome as long as it answers the question)
1. Do you think being fat is less attractive to the opposite sex? Why?
2. Why don’t you just drink water and not eat?
3. Fat people are assumed stupid, have you thought about losing weight?
4. Oh, why are you having a protein shake? Who told you that would work?
5. Oh my, you need a doctor for that, have you gotten your thyroid checked?
6. Sheesh, you look like you ready to pop! When is your due date?
7. Have you tried “W” or “Jenny Craig”?
David N Garnett
I’ll answer question #1 – I think being a heavyweight champion is just that, best in the world. I truly believe that it does not hinder attractiveness to the opposite sex at least not now a days. Heavyweight Champions are more widely accepted in society I think it has more to do with how you present yourself to the opposite sex. Be confident, be sure of yourself with your head held high. Often the perception we have of ourselves due to societal thoughts and opinions we avoid a lot of situations where we could be hurt but those are the places we need to be. be proud of the movement!